Thursday, April 9, 2009

me dad at 15

So my Mother called me at 10 this morning and told me about my Father having Lung Cancer and maybe 6 mos. to live. This was BIG news and it was not a surprise. The mass on his lungs that was on the Xrays that I viewed with my parents at their beloved Primary Physician (who got teary talking bravely that we did not know what the Mass was until more testing)...It is sad to have to let him slip the bonds, but this has been a long goodbye, given his health struggles of the past few years. I went out to the Great Meadow Reservoir where I go when I need solace and cried at the inevitable loss on the horizon, but also assured that this is all part of One, the Thing that we begin and end and begin again...It feels like a gentle and graceful exit of a life rich in Love, compassion and Kindness...

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