Sunday, May 3, 2009

the gentle good bye


When his boat snapped loose
from its mooring, under
the screaking of the gulls,
he tried at first to wave
to his dear ones on the shore,
but in the rolling fog
they had already lost their faces.
Too tired even to choose
between jumping and calling,
somehow he felt absolved and free
of his burdens, those mottoes
stamped on his name-tag:
conscience, ambition, and all
that caring.
He was content to lie down
with the family ghosts
in the slop of his cradle,
buffeted by the storm,
endlessly drifting.
Peace! Peace!
To be rocked by the Infinite!
As if it didn't matter
which way was home,
as if he didn't know
he loved the earth so much
he wanted to stay forever.

Stanley Kunitz


Pamela Robertson-Pearce said...

Beautiful loving photo of the two of you and the poem just so right!Perfect.

autumnleaf said...

thanks for your words...
in the last few years i look to poetry when i am in emotional peak and the kunitz came directly into my hands as i reached out to my meager collection....things go well here...even an obit by a staff writer in the detroit paper today!! www/
hope all is flowing for you